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Donating food

Where can I donate food?

There are many donation points around the town. For example, you can donate in supermarkets, most schools and faith group buildings and community centres. Please click here to see a list of some of the current donation points. Alternatively, use our fun online tool below to donate food to us now!


Any organisation or group which has collected food and requires it to be collected, if there are not already arrangements in place to do so, please send us an email using the form on our contact us page, so we can make arrangements with you.

Every donation helps to ensure that nobody in Kirkcaldy will go hungry


What type of food is required?

Canned meat and fish
Canned or dried fruit
Canned vegetables
Canned soup
Canned beans or spaghetti
Long life milk (UHT)
Long life fruit juice (UHT)
Rice/pasta & pasta sauce
Tea and coffee
Canned desserts/custard/rice pudding

Click here to print a PDF of this list you to help remember what to get!

What type of food to avoid?

1. Items past expiry date. All food distributed by our foodbank must be within the expiry/use by date on the label.

2. Items no longer in original packaging or without the shop's own labelling. If you've decanted the food into another container or removed the labels, it can't be accepted.

3. Anything you wouldn't eat yourself. A good measure for deciding whether something is suitable is: Do not donate anything that you or a loved one wouldn't want to eat.

The best way you can support the foodbank is by donating money directly to us, so we can buy the items we most need each week. Unfortunately we cannot accept fresh/perishable foods in person due to storage and short shelf life - this means we have to buy these items each week and we are currently spending up to £26,400 a month on food.


Donating money for food directly through our website is the best way you can support us and it will mean your contribution has the biggest impact for those in need. Below you can use our donation tool to donate money for food. This will help to ensure that nobody in the Kirkcaldy area goes hungry.

Online donations for food


Contents of a food parcel

Donate now

Gifts and donations

Are you looking for thoughtful, ethical gifts to give to loved ones or other ways to donate to the foodbank and support those in need? Have a look through our selection of gift ideas that can make your loved ones smile while helping others. All profits from the sales of these items and 100% of donations go towards ensuring no-one in the Kirkcaldy area goes hungry.

It is the mission of Kirkcaldy Foodbank that nobody in the Kirkcaldy area goes hungry and that everybody shares what they have.

Kirkcaldy Foodbank

Please get in touch if you think you can support us in any way or have ideas to share that may be helpful for the foodbank.


Social media: @kirkcaldyfoodbank

Registered charity: SCO44446

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from Kirkcaldy Foodbank.

Kirkcaldy Foodbank is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SCIO Scottish Charity Number SCO44446 |  Privacy Policy

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